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Choosing Court Reporting Software

In the event you’re in the market for new court reporting software, we compiled this handy checklist for you to rate the importance of various features.  Once you’ve determined which attributes are paramount, pinpointing the right software should be a “piece of cake.”...

Libraries Attempt to go Digital

Law libraries worldwide are attempting to ‘go digital,’ but it’s no easy venture, as e-book acquisition is a very complicated process for libraries, beginning with the question of “ownership” versus “licensure.” While a general consumer may be able to “purchase” an...

Taking the Stress Out of Getting There on Time

Getting to your assignment on time isn’t always easy and can be extremely stressful. Here are a few helpful hints to make getting there easier. Rule Number 1 – Always put everything you need in the same place. Rule Number 2 – Listen to the commuter report every...

Consider a Pet for Stress Relief

You work long hours as a court reporter, don’t like to exercise, meditation isn’t your thing, and you feel stressed often.  What you may need is a pet.  According to the National Institutes of Health, married couples “who owned a pet were found to have lower heart...

New Court Reporters & Taxes

What every new freelance court reporter should know about being self-employed and paying taxes begins with investing in good expense tracking software. From there, reporters should begin keeping . . . a good record of everything you purchase to do your job. This...

Facebook Etiquette for Court Reporters

Facebook is an amazing social media tool, and it can be both professionally useful and personally engaging. However, it is extremely important that court reporters give serious consideration to how and when they make use of Facebook, as it can either enhance or...
Planet Depos

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