Court Reporting in Baltimore, MD
From the Inner Harbor to Wakefield to Taylor Heights, Planet Depos covers your court reporter, videographer, and interpreter needs throughout Baltimore and the surrounding area.
The Planet Depos’ Baltimore office is located in downtown Baltimore, a few short blocks from the United States District Court as well as the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. The well-appointed and professional setting is located across the street from the exciting Inner Harbor, with waterfront shopping, dining, and entertainment. Our professional, experienced court reporters (stenographers) deliver the highest quality transcripts in every area of the law. Whether your case involves intellectual property, pharmaceutical, environmental, medical malpractices, securities or commercial litigation, Planet Depos can provide qualified and skilled court reporters, each of whom holds state and/or national licenses including CSR, RPR, RMR, RDR, CLR, CRR and CMRS.
Videoconferencing & Video Depositions in Baltimore
In addition to video depositions, videoconferencing is a great way to hold meetings amongst your various offices, conducting training seminars, or even interviewing prospective employees. We have experienced coordinators that will make all the arrangements for you, and we can provide you with full, split, or dual screens along with streaming audio, video, and text.
Depositions come in every size and so do our conference room. Our conference rooms are Wi-Fi equipped, with Internet streaming and videoconferencing available for your convenience, making it simple to attend a deposition anywhere on the planet.
A useful workspace is just the beginning. Our suite is fully stocked with office supplies and refreshments. Our friendly staff will assist you with photocopying, faxing, and any technical issues that arise. Sit back and relax and let us take care of all the details for your upcoming depositions or arbitrations.
Planet Depos Baltimore
7 St Paul Street
Suite 705
Baltimore, MD 21202
7 Saint Paul Street | Suite 705 | Baltimore, MD 21202
What Our Clients Say

Portfolio of Services
Court Reporting
Worldwide, certified court reporters providing best-in-class service
Legal videography and secure videoconferencing with mobile options
Conference Rooms
Providing conference rooms for depositions, arbitration, or meetings anywhere on the Planet