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Blog Category: Arbitration

Court Reporter Mentoring – Back to the Future

Court Reporter Mentoring – Back to the Future

In February of 2016, in conjunction with NCRA’s Court Reporting & Captioning Week, Planet Depos announced the launch of Planet Institute, a program developed to bridge the gap between student and career.

Some of our “senior” generation of reporters may remember the training they received in court reporting school, but no doubt each of us can remember well the single person who trained and mentored us, who influenced us to be the reporter we are today. In most cases, it was a firm owner who took us under their wing, allowed us to shadow, read through every transcript we produced for upwards of a year’s time, and who instilled in us a commitment to excellence in our profession. What encompassed that “commitment to excellence”?

  • Continuous speed development
  • Insatiable passion for learning
  • Thorough research
  • Proper formatting, punctuation, and legal procedures
  • Dependability
  • Flexibility
  • Can-do attitude
  • Certification
  • Continuing Education
  • Professionalism
  • Adherence to our Code of Ethics
  • Giving back

Just after the launch of Planet Institute, I was interviewed by Ari Kaplan on his program called “Reinventing Professional Services.” About Planet Institute, he asked, “Why?”

There are three particular movements that we have witnessed over the years that have dramatically changed the way students are educated and enter the workforce.

  1. The vast majority of students are learning court reporting online.
  2. Court reporters who would have served as mentors in the past are now working from their home office and, as such, opportunities for mentoring, coaching and professional guidance are often nonexistent.
  3. Unlike years gone by, new graduates are not working for a single local firm which impacts the agency’s desire to commit to onboarding fledgling reporters.

With these three factors in play, who is it then who takes on the nurturing and leadership role in laying a solid foundation to a successful career in court reporting? While there are individual court reporters and firm owners who understand the value of paying it forward and mentoring new reporters, there are simply not enough options for the next generation to be intensely and appropriately trained and mentored. Planet Institute is Planet Depos’ contribution to this effort.

As an international court reporting firm, Planet Depos is uniquely positioned to assess the broad spectrum of talent that exists within our profession, particularly within the profession’s newest entrants, as well as the general weaknesses related to writing skills, general knowledge, ethical considerations and overall professionalism. To that end, we created the position of Professional Development Specialist – a full-time employee dedicated to providing one-on-one professional development for new reporters.

Although there is no cost to enroll in Planet Institute, we realized at the outset that there needed to be minimum requirements to enter the program. Anything less would render the program meaningless and provide little incentive for students to “make it” into the program. In order to apply, the student must:

  • Be in final speeds or have graduated within the past six months
  • Complete an online application
  • Provide a letter of reference from an instructor or working reporter
  • Be proficient with CAT system
  • Pass a 30-minute writing evaluation*
  • Pass entrance exams (spelling, vocabulary, error-spotting)
  • Undergo a personal interview

* Candidate is given five hours to write and produce a transcript of a 30-minute videotaped deposition, with full use of audio/video.

Once a student is accepted into the program, they are assigned shadowing opportunities with seasoned reporters in their area. Each of these reporters has an established professional relationship with Planet Depos and can be relied upon to provide guidance in all aspects of reporting. In working with several experienced reporters, the student is exposed to the various styles of interacting with clients, how the everyday is handled in terms of readback, exhibit handling, interruptions, as well as a peek at what their future might hold if they embrace realtime technology and enhanced skill development.

For each shadowing assignment, the student prepares no fewer than 50 pages for in-depth review, a verbatim evaluation comparing the transcript against the audio. This review will reveal weaknesses, if any, in the following areas:

  • Word knowledge
  • Research skills
  • Punctuation
  • Transcript formatting

The ultimate goal with each student is to get them to “fly solo.” Do they understand the importance of their role? Do they understand their ethical obligations? Do they understand that if something doesn’t sound right, it probably isn’t right? Do they question words, phrases, terminology that they aren’t absolutely certain they know the meaning of? Are they their toughest critic? Do they ask questions? Do they improve with each transcript?

If we can answer “yes” to each of these questions, the student has then completed the program. At this point we provide advice on how and where to market their services. Several of the Planet Institute graduates are now working as independent contractors for various firms. Some have since passed their CSR, while others are still working toward that goal. Two of the Planet Institute graduates waiting to pass the CSR chose to relocate to begin their career until they were successful in passing the exam. It’s all about students taking advantage of the opportunities whenever and wherever they are.

Planet Depos is proud to announce at the end of one year that all students who were accepted into the program have either completed and are working court reporters or are still enrolled in the program awaiting state certification. Upon successful completion of the program, the student is awarded their first year of professional dues to NCRA, compliments of Planet Depos. Meet three successful graduates of Planet Institute.

Planet Depos acknowledges that we could not offer this program without the support of dedicated court reporters who have so willingly agreed to allow these students to sit in, observe and learn from their years of experience. We extend our sincere appreciation to the following mentors:

Wendy Andino, CSR, RMR
Maria Beesley, CSR
Judy Bellinger, CSR, RPR, CRR
Kathy Ferguson, CSR
Carrie Hewerdine, CSR, RDR
Theresa Hollister
Kari Hruneni
Cynthia Jyu, CSR
Michelle Knowles, CSR, RPR, CRR
Danielle Krautkramer
Carol Lowe
Alda Mandell, RPR, CRR
Katherine Stride, CSR, RPR
Ashley Soevyn, CSR
Anne Torreano, CSR, RPR
Ashala Tylor, CSR, RPR, CRR
Kim Whitmire, CSR
Cindy Whyte


Read related press release here.

What Makes a Deposition Suite Awesome for You? Part 3: Washington, DC

What Makes a Deposition Suite Awesome for You? Part 3: Washington, DC

By Suzanne Quinson and Julia Alicandri

In our previous blog posts, we discussed the amenities you, our clients, most enjoyed at our Greenbelt, MD office and our Rockville, MD office. Last, but certainly not least, is our Washington, DC office! So, what were the top responses? No surprises here:

  1. The host/hostess
  2. The snacks
  3. Professional and courteous service

Your host

Similar to the previous responses, we are proud to say that the PD host/hostess is a top choice as to why you enjoyed your experience. Your host is happy to assist you with technological troubleshooting, restaurant recommendations, and any copying or faxing needs.

The snacks

Delicious snacks are always available in the kitchenette area of the office. This includes: coffee, tea, water, soda, chips, cookies (freshly baked on site!), and candy throughout the office. We also keep low-calorie snack options like pretzels and sugar free breakfast bars. Bonus: always check the freezer for ice cream!

Professional and courteous service

The professional and courteous service stems from the PD motto of ‘making it happen’ throughout the entire process. From your first interaction with the scheduling department, to the professional court reporter assigned to your deposition, to your account executive checking in for a follow-up, we  always go above and beyond!

Take a virtual tour of our Washington, DC office below!

For more information, or to schedule with Planet Depos, call 888.433.3767 or email us at

What Makes a Deposition Suite Awesome for You? Part 2: Rockville, MD

What Makes a Deposition Suite Awesome for You? Part 2: Rockville, MD

By Suzanne Quinson and Julia Alicandri

At Planet Depos, our employees constantly strive to improve themselves and our company. To better the PD experience, we recently left tablets throughout our offices to get quick and reliable feedback directly from you, our clients. In a previous blog, we analyzed the amenities that clients enjoyed in our Greenbelt, Maryland office.

This post will look at the Rockville, Maryland suite! The most popular responses were:

  1. Professional and courteous service
  2. The host/hostess
  3. The free conference room

Professional and Courteous Service

Though something that should be expected from any business vendor, it is becoming a rarity everywhere you go.  We have all dealt with a surly individual who seemed more interested in their fingernails, phone, or anything but being helpful and friendly!  Top-tier customer service makes tasks like scheduling depositions simple and quick, communicating your needs a painless process, and ensures delivery of the final transcript and media files promptly.  Equally important, superior service makes the whole process not just manageable, but enjoyable!

Your Host

Your host will always be the consummate professional. With a smiling face and helpful attitude, they’ll get things going on the right foot at the moment you arrive. The host can assist with technical troubleshooting – whether you’re having an issue with your mobile videoconference or you need a phone charger. They also make sure that snacks are replenished regularly – very important to keep moods genial and energy up!

Modern Conference Rooms

Again, the complimentary conference room is definitely a plus. The free conference room is often atop the list of amenities you find makes an awesome deposition suite as it’s a great way to save the client an additional expense. The capabilities, such as videoconferencing and a modern, comfortable feel, should help to further enhance the value.

That’s a snapshot of what makes an awesome deposition suite for you in our Rockville, MD office. In the next part of this series, we’ll be looking at the responses from our Washington, DC office. And check out a virtual tour of our Rockville office below!

For more information, or to schedule with Planet Depos, call 888.433.3767 or email us at

Six Tips to Save You Money on Court Reporting Services

Six Tips to Save You Money on Court Reporting Services

By Suzanne Quinson

Litigation is expensive, and few clients are of the “money is no object” mentality, so finding ways to save them money is imperative.  Below are suggestions for reducing court reporting costs.

  1. Go paperless! Hardbound transcripts incur additional expenses. Go green and save your client’s green with electronic delivery.
  2. Need to schedule international depositions? Discounted pricing may be available when you book multiple days of depositions.
  3. Another possibility to reduce costs for international depositions: schedule with an agency that has reporters and videographers on the ground in multiple continents, reducing or even eliminating travel fees.
  4. Consider a videoconference, or even a mobile videoconference! If you don’t need to attend in person, this can be an enormous money-saver, so give it some thought.
  5. Confidential subject material? Designate confidential portions at the deposition to receive both full and redacted files at no additional cost!
  6. Need a conference room? It’s possible the agency will have a complimentary conference room you can use for the deposition, so don’t forget to ask!

Contact your court reporting agency for more money- and time-saving tips. They can appreciate the value of time and money to you and your clients and can provide more information on cost-effective solutions.

For more information, or to schedule with Planet Depos, call 888.433.3767 or email us at

What Makes a Deposition Suite Awesome for You? Part 1: Greenbelt, MD

By Suzanne Quinson and Julia Alicandri

At Planet Depos, our employees constantly strive to improve themselves and our company. To better the PD experience for our clients, we recently inserted tablets throughout our offices to get quick and reliable feedback directly from clients. The requested feedback includes topics such as the professionalism and friendliness of our employees, the ease of use of videoconferencing, the comfort of our modern conference rooms and, of course, the never-ending supply of snacks!

So, what did our clients list as the most important amenities to making an awesome deposition suite? In our Greenbelt, Maryland office, the most popular responses were:

  1. The free conference room
  2. Professional and courteous service
  3. The snacks

Modern Conference Rooms

A complimentary conference room is already a plus, as it saves the client an additional expense. The capabilities and amenities of the conference room should further elevate its value. Videoconferencing capabilities, for example, are an asset, as remote parties can attend the deposition without incurring any additional travel expenses. It is possible the reporter can stream realtime to remote parties, as well. Check with your agency’s scheduling department about this option. Another option, which is a bit lighter on the budget, is the use of mobile videoconferencing, and the videographer can double as a technician to monitor the connection.

Professional and Courteous Service

A professional and courteous host (and/or videographer) is an essential advantage during your depositions. He or she should be available to help with any troubleshooting, copy or printing needs, and even ordering lunch for your group. Your host should ensure that everything is handled quickly and conveniently for you, so all you need to focus on is your case.

The Snacks

What is a deposition without snacks? With depositions potentially consuming a significant portion of your day, it is important to know that you and your clients won’t go hungry. Your agency should ensure that a sufficient a supply of snacks is available.

There you have it, the top three most important items that make our Greenbelt, Maryland office awesome, according to you, our clients. And be on the lookout for additional parts of this series where we examine the most important amenities at our other locations!

For more information, or to schedule with Planet Depos, call 888.433.3767 or email us at

Deposition Horrors!

Halloween is fast approaching, meaning zany costumes, yummy treats, Linus awaiting the Great Pumpkin, and horror stories! All attorneys, paralegals, and court reporters have a few of these. Read on for some humorous horror stories from the deposition room!

In the not-too-distant past, Planet Depos’  reporter and videographer from Japan arrived at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, ready to cover the deposition. The attorneys had hired their own Mandarin interpreter from Taiwan. As he wasn’t a resident of Japan, he needed a deposition visa; he didn’t have one, and was denied entry to the Embassy, leaving them without an interpreter. Fortunately, the story doesn’t end here and turns out not to be so terrifying after all. The reporter and videographer managed to locate a Mandarin interpreter who was a Japanese resident (no deposition visa needed!) and arrived to cover the deposition, though the proceedings were delayed by a few hours.

The same reporter who was at the Embassy for the interpreter debacle related above encountered a different kind of horror at a hearing involving an economist. This Ph.D. witness repeatedly used the term “heteroscedasticity,”  a circumstance in which the variability of a variable is unequal across the range of values of a second variable that predicts it — for any of you who might not know this off the top of your head. The reporter actually broke her poker face, to the amusement of the attorneys present, whom she could hear giggling at her confused expression.

Lastly, we have a cautionary tale courtesy of an attorney friend of mine down in Louisville, KY. Her office received both an electronic and hard copy of a transcript from a small local court reporting agency. The transcript was produced with incorrect line numbers… in the hard copy only. This is spooky enough, but it gets worse. The law firm didn’t catch the discrepancy and cited in their motion the electronic copy which had the correct line numbers. Opposing Counsel filed a motion pointing out the citations made no sense, which was true, based on the hard copy. Needless to say, the judge was exasperated by the whole ordeal and, unfortunately, my friend’s firm lost the motion. The moral to the story here is to schedule coverage with a best-in-class court reporting agency and avoid these kinds of bizarre mishaps.

The best-in-class reporting agency makes the scheduling process a snap, ensures that a professional, prompt reporter and qualified videographer cover your proceedings and deliver an accurate transcript and high-definition video on time. They can reserve the location on your behalf, take the hassle out of confidential portions, assist with exhibits, international travel requirements, and more. This is the agency that goes the extra mile to eliminate scary surprises!

For more information or to schedule with Planet Depos, call 888.433.3767 or email or to reserve coverage.

Hong Kong Arbitration Week Triumphs Despite Weather

By Jade King

Chai Wan during Typhoon Haima. Image by Kristy Chan.

Chai Wan during Typhoon Haima. Image by Kristy Chan.

Hong Kong woke up this morning to a battering from Typhoon Haima. With much of the global arbitration community currently in the city for the fifth annual Hong Kong Arbitration Week, this force majeure event was no doubt an inconvenience. At least coffee was still being served.

This picture of the so-called “Starbucks Uncle” riding out the storm perhaps reflects, in an unlikely way, why the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) was recently voted the most improved arbitral institution, and is one of the most preferred in the world, along with London, Paris, Singapore and Geneva. Hong Kong, this most dynamic of cities, never stops. And neither does HKIAC, with a packed schedule of enlightening seminars and social events, the crown of which is Hong Kong Arbitration Week.

Planet Depos’ team of resident staff attended various events this week in the never-ending quest for the most up-to-date knowledge on arbitral practice and current issues facing our industry. Highlights included the Belt and Road Initiatives seminar hosted by the Beijing Arbitration Commission; the energy disputes discussion presented by the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce; and ICC’s insightful dialogue on Rising Asia.

The flagship event, ADR in Asia: Arbitration Challenged, was the climax of the week, with panels discussing everything from corruption to transparency, and an entertaining “get to know you” session with newly appointed HKIAC secretary-general Sarah Grimmer. We were pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate our realtime services to attendees during breaks.

The PD Team

The PD Team

The appointment of Allen & Overy partner Matthew Gearing QC as the new chairperson of HKIAC was announced during the week.  In 2017 he will succeed Teresa Cheng SC, who has been chair for the past three years. Planet Depos congratulates Mr. Gearing on his appointment and thanks Ms Cheng for being such an inspiring, graceful leader.

After a lovely end to the week last night – the glamorous GAR Live dinner – we say thank you, HKIAC, for a brilliant week. If you missed us at ADR in Asia, please contact to organise an inhouse demonstration of our realtime court reporting services.

Aristotle and Depositions

In my freshman year in college, Philosophy 101 was a required course. I tolerated Socrates and Plato, but Aristotle was someone I could actually read and enjoy. Mind you, I didn’t pore over his Nicomachean Ethics as I do annually with Gone With The Wind, but I could at least read it and know what he was saying, whereas Plato left me aggravated and wondering why the man couldn’t just say what he meant in plain language. Anyway, the big thing I took away from the class was this: it is man’s natural end to be happy. Now, people define happiness in many ways, but without getting too deep into philosophy (sorry, Dr. Cuddeback!), let’s focus on happiness in the professional realm.

There is a sense of personal satisfaction that comes from a job well done, whatever your field of employment. For a professor, it may be seeing a student finally grasp the subject matter! For a paralegal, it could be finally securing a conference room for a deposition or strategy meeting. But what really makes a paralegal (and his/her attorneys) happy in the office? How about a professional , punctual court reporter showing up to the depo and setting up for a prompt start, providing realtime if requested, as well as a rough shortly after the conclusion? How about easy online access to the final transcript, video, invoice, and calendar to schedule and manage upcoming depositions, ensuring continuous coverage by best-in-class reporters and videographers? In short, the court reporting agency should make you happy by making the whole process just a little bit easier for you.

Aristotle came to the conclusion that man’s happiness lies in the contemplation of the highest truth(s). Whether or not legal professionals want to spend their free time pursuing such lofty endeavors, I don’t know, but working with the right reporter could just free up some extra time to do so! If contemplating the highest truth isn’t your thing, use the spare time to work on your golf swing, go on a hike, nap! Time is precious and having more of it is enough to make anyone happy.

Time is of the essence when working on your case as well, which makes a promptly-delivered and accurate transcript absolutely necessary. Any original exhibits provided to the reporter should be speedily returned. It also means quick turn-around on the redaction of confidential portions requested after the fact is ideal. Rapid, informative responses to any inquiries you have during the whole process — from scheduling to final delivery — also save you time, enabling you to take the information needed and move on to the next task on your list. Prompt, pleasant customer service is not easy to find, so when you find it in a court reporting agency, stick with them, as that is definitely something to be happy about!

For a happy deposition experience, from the first contact to schedule to the delivery of the last transcript and video, contact Planet Depos at 888.433.3767, or for international depositions,

Play it Again

Over the weekend, I took myself to the Great Frederick Fair to see and hear the incomparable Vince Gill. I had wanted to see him for years, and I was not disappointed! He played all his hits, engaging his audience with his easy rapport and mesmerizing us with his voice and guitar skills. The man has truly honed his craft, and together with his band, knows how to put on a great show. They had us on our feet and clamoring for several encores, which they were gracious enough to give. The next day I was still marveling at their talent and playing Vince’s albums all day long. I found myself reflecting on the skill a band of musicians must have to play together harmoniously, supporting their lead. Their role is to enhance the main event without stealing the show. This is no easy feat! It got me thinking, this is exactly what court reporters do for attorneys every day.

Just like a skilled guitarist, pianist, or any musician, for that matter, realtime reporters hone their craft to reduce errors and increase the ease with which they work. It takes a lot of practice to reach the level of a maestro! All this effort pays off when they go on the record (the court reporter’s stage), and they can perform with confidence and precision. This means a clear realtime record to aid counsel as they move through the deposition. The benefits of realtime to attorneys are tremendous, not the least of which is the ability to instantly flag testimony for followup! The reporter’s fine-tuning of their skill also means an immediate rough draft at the deposition’s conclusion and an immaculate final transcript available shortly after the deposition. Reporters can deliver the final transcript an expedited basis — without sacrificing quality. This is all to your client’s benefit, as you have an accurate, clean record of the proceedings to aid in your preparations for the next step in the case.

Equally important, like weathered musicians after years of touring and dealing with audiences of all kinds, reporters are not easily fazed. As neutral parties to the proceedings, reporters can keep a poker face and diligently continue their work with even the most bizarre disruptions. This is a remarkable discipline reflecting true professionalism, not to mention amazing focus.

Reporters provide invaluable support to legal professionals by turning in pristine transcripts in a timely manner, handling exhibits, and assisting with other logistical details when needed. With the well-rehearsed, professional court reporter behind you, a deposition will go smoothly, with the transcript (and video, if applicable) delivered on time according to your standing order if you have one. To ensure coverage by the best available court reporting professionals, turn to an agency known for just that. You will likely find yourself clamoring for encore after encore.

To schedule coverage for your next deposition, contact Planet Depos Scheduling at or Planet Depos International Scheduling at

Depositions of the Stars

By Julia Alicandri

Celebrities are often involved in legal matters. From copyright infringement, money claims, crazed fans, and burglary, it’s safe to say that as a celebrity, one should always have a strong legal team! Thanks to the internet, we have access to hundreds of interesting celebrity moments, including legal proceedings. Take a look at some interesting, and often shocking, celebrity depositions!

Robin Thicke and Pharrell – Both men were sued for copyright infringement by Marvin Gaye’s children over the song Blurred Lines. The Gaye family was awarded almost $7.4 million.

Lil Wayne – Lil’ Wayne sued a documentary filmmaker over what he claims is illegal use of his music. The filmmaker produced a documentary about the famous rapper; however, Lil Wayne claims he never gave consent to including his music, however he did give permission to make the documentary.

President Bill Clinton – The former president was facing impeachment on the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.

Michael Jackson – In 1993, Michael Jackson faced a copyright infringement suit. He was found innocent.

Justin Bieber – Justin Bieber was sued for allegedly ordering a bodyguard to attack a photographer.


Celebrities are most definitely familiar with depositions and the legal system. Lucky for us, some of it can be entertaining!

Be on the lookout for our list of the most interesting non-celebrity depositions!


Planet Depos

Planet Depos

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