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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.
How To Take A Deposition in Slovakia

How To Take A Deposition in Slovakia

Although global travel has essentially been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still plan ahead for your next deposition abroad so you hit the ground running. We’re bringing you spotlights on some unique countries around the globe so that your next...

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The Modern Court Reporter and COVID-19 (Podcast)

The Modern Court Reporter and COVID-19 (Podcast)

Most court reporters had some experience with remote depositions pre-COVID. Shifting to fully remote depositions in these strange times has proven a challenge to many who are now experiencing remote depositions, but not so the modern court reporter! As discussed on...

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Remote Depositions FAQ Part 2: Zoom Security

Remote Depositions FAQ Part 2: Zoom Security

A lot of people are now using Zoom for the first time for their remote deposition. At Planet Depos, Zoom has been the platform of choice for mobile videoconference (MVC) for years. Understandably, law firms unfamiliar with the software have valid questions about the...

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