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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Why Legal Videography is Important

You’ve heard the expression, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, “a video is worth a million words.” Think about it. Everything today involves video. From the presidential elections, to the evening news and everything in between. If you want to get your point...

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How to Find a Court Reporter

Where do I go to find a court reporter? How do I know if the court reporter is qualified? How much will it cost? Do I need a videographer, realtime, rough ASCII or expedited delivery? How would I like my transcript delivered? These are the most common questions that...

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37 Deposition Instructions For Your Witness

Deposition Instructions Witness Instructions for a Deposition Deposition (law) A deposition is the act of taking sworn testimony whereby litigants obtain information from each other in preparation for trial. A court reporter is present and begins the proceedings by...

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What Do You Do for a Living?

Over the years, friends and people whom I’ve met have asked me what I did for a living; I tried to come up with a phrase that explains our industry better than “court reporting.”  Sometimes I would respond by saying, “litigation support” or “attorney consulting.”...

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Can You Type 280 Words Per Minute?

Court reporters deserve a lot of respect. Imagine trying to type and keep up with the pace of a regular conversation, let alone when things get out of order and everybody is talking or yelling at once. This video gives a glimpse into the perspective of a court...

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Court Reporting

Significant Points Job prospects are expected to be excellent, especially for those with certification. Demand for real-time broadcast captioning and translating will spur employment growth. The amount of training required to become a court reporter varies by...

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