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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Perfection & the Court Reporter

Court reporters work very hard to write each and every word spoken during a proceeding. As noted by PETAP, court reporters tend to be ESFJ (Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging) and ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging) personality types.  As Nancy Varallo noted...

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Deposition Destination: South Asia

I recently had the opportunity to take a series of depositions in India. Called into service at the last minute as a videographer, I was able to harness the resources of Planet Depos and provide a complete set of options with video recording and realtime streaming....

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs for Court Reporters

College graduates are having a difficult time finding work, and are returning to grad school and community college in large numbers. Those who are talented musicians or video gamers may want to consider court reporting -- one of 2013’s “Top Jobs.”  The court reporting...

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California’s New 7-Hour Deposition Rule

In January of this year, the State of California began instituting Assembly Bill 1875 (CCP Section 2025.290), limiting civil depositions to 7 hours.  Thankfully, California reporters don’t have to worry that attorneys will try to squeeze ten hours of testimony into...

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Legal Technology Competency in 2013

It’s official: Lawyers can no longer rely on IT professionals to root out relevant electronic documentation, as the American Bar Association just amended Model Rule 1.1 in Comment 8 to require that “a lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its...

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Taking the Stress Out of Getting There on Time

Getting to your assignment on time isn’t always easy and can be extremely stressful. Here are a few helpful hints to make getting there easier. Rule Number 1 – Always put everything you need in the same place. Rule Number 2 – Listen to the commuter report every...

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Do Left-Handed Reporters Have an Advantage?

Among the 21 court reporters who responded to Planet Depos’ inquiry as to who is and who is not left-handed, an amazing 24 percent were south-paws, a statistic rivaling baseball’s 25 percent.   Worldwide, on average, only  1 in 10 people is left-handed.  That’s a mere...

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Staying Focused with Laughter

Court reporters are required to stay alert for long periods of time. So, how do they do it?  Over the years, reporters develop tricks for staying focused.  Most turn to caffeine and sugar, but the University of Kentucky suggests the healthier, lower calorie option:...

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The Rapid Rise of Smartphones & Tablets in the Legal Arena

The American Bar Association’s 2013 Tech Survey Report just came out, and the numbers are staggering -- 91 percent of all lawyers are using Smartphones, and 48 percent are using tablets.  These figures reflect the importance of remaining mobile and connected in what...

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