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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Court Reporting Credentials

As court reporters and “keepers of the record,” we are tasked with maintaining an unbiased, neutral position in every matter we report. Our ethical obligations to our clients are always in the forefront of our minds, which is why it is so important that we proudly...

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Court Reporter Relationships & Recusal

It’s Monday night, and one of the agencies for whom you work has called and asked you to cover a series of depositions for the next day that are anticipated to last all day. They email the witness list and case caption to you, and you enter into your dictionary all of...

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Planet Depos Accepts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Planet Depos stepped up to the plate yet again and “made it happen” with its ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, raising an amazing $1,000 to help combat this debilitating disease. For those unfamiliar with ALS, it is a...

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Celebrating Scholarship at the Tenjin Matsuri Parade

Renee Kelch of Planet Depos – American Realtime, and her husband Ken, celebrated the Tenjin Matsuri festival in Osaka, Japan on July 25. As Renee described it, “The festivities were so beautiful and the atmosphere so exciting, that we not only photographed it, but...

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The Importance of Mentoring

Planet Depos polled its freelance reporters seeking insight into their experiences with either mentoring or being mentored, and the results were phenomenal.

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Stabbed in the Backup

Since software enables court reporters the ability to synch the proceedings’ audio with their writing, NCRA created the “Stabbed in the Backup” chapter of its Courting Disaster game, and it’s a must-do for every reporter, as it teaches the rules and regulations...

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The Tao of Discovery

Over two thousand years ago, the Chinese warrior-philosopher Sun-Tzu wrote a treatise on military strategy called “The Art of War.”  Since that time, this legendary text has become required reading throughout Asia.  Whether in business school, the armed forces, or in...

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Any Value in Attending Court Reporting Conventions?

Whether you’re an official or freelance reporter, finding the time in your busy schedule to attend court reporting conventions may seem daunting, but here’s why it’s so important to make the time at least every other year: First, conventions offer opportunities to...

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