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News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Taking Depositions in Japan – Part 2

Applying for a Deposition Visa for Japan As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, breaking down the process of taking depositions in Japan can be very helpful in eliminating stress and ensuring that nothing is missed that will cause delays in the scheduling of your...

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Taking Depositions in Japan – Part 1

The Court Order and Reserving the Deposition Room at the Embassy or Consulate The process of preparing to take depositions in Japan can be quite cumbersome. The guidelines are strict and best broken down into chronological steps. Over the next few weeks, check Planet...

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The Rubber Duck Project Comes to Seoul

Seokchon Lake in Seoul, South Korea is the latest stop on The Rubber Duck Project’s world tour, and the Planet Depos – American Realtime Asia Team was on hand this week to find out what was causing all the excitement. Conceived by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman in...

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Managing Exhibits For Depositions In Asia

The Map is Not the Territory By Thomas K. Feissner, CLVS Managing exhibits for depositions in Asia can be time-consuming and costly, especially when handled in the same way it’s been done for decades.  At Planet Depos, we sometimes look backward to find new ways to...

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Reversing the Projected Court Reporting Shortage

Ask any high school senior looking into college prospects, taking the ACTs and SATs what (s)he knows about court reporters and the profession -- and they’ll most likely respond with questions that sound something like, “Court reporters are the people that type on...

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Good Karma Court Reporting

By Lisa Feissner, RDR, CRR, CRI As an international court reporter for Planet Depos, I've had the opportunity to travel extensively throughout Asia for nearly a year.  The places I have visited - Japan, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Hong Kong - each claim Buddhism as a...

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Say Y-E-S to Rough Drafts

Tip by Sandy VanderPol, CSR, FAPR, RMR, CRR, RSA Credentialed When you get the call to report a very difficult deposition or trial with an immediate rough draft request, you know what?  Yes, you can!  With available technology that allows your scopist to access and...

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The Value of Realtime in Court is “Very High”

U.S. District Court Judge David Nuffer tells listeners in an interview with NCRA’s Director Debra Dibble, that until you try realtime, “you don’t really have an idea of what a difference it makes in concentration and accuracy,” which is why when the new District Court...

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Maintaining the Integrity of the Court Reporting Profession Although you’d planned to take the day off, you agree to take a last-minute call-in. Quickly, you build a job dictionary, and head out. Throughout the deposition, the witness responds, “Sorry, I don’t know,” and not...

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When Not to Disseminate Copy Sales

It’s 10 o’clock Monday night, and the agency number is blinking on your Caller ID. Reluctantly, you pick up the receiver. It’s the Scheduling Manager, and she’d like to know if you’d be interested in taking a 3- or 4-hour job tomorrow morning close to home. Thrilled...

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