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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

A Stress-Free Summer for Litigation Attorneys

By Brittany Davies It’s finally time to enjoy those BBQs, beaches and family vacations that summer brings! However, as we all take time out in the summer to relax and have fun, life doesn’t stop, especially for a litigation attorney. Taking the steps to ensure you can...

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Conducting Depositions in France – Part One

Depositions of U.S. citizens in France may be conducted without any special requirements or restrictions and can be scheduled much as they would be in the U.S.  If you are conducting a deposition of a French citizen or third-country national, the process will be a bit...

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Realtime Adds Value to Georgetown Law Mock Depositions

Practice makes perfect. Until someone actually experiences something firsthand, it is hard to know what to expect in that situation. Whether it is learning how to play a musical instrument or run in a marathon, a full understanding cannot be achieved until one has...

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Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

By Neal Price During the month of May, the United States of America celebrates Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.  We take the time during this month to honor the impact that Asian-Pacific Americans have had throughout our history as a country and the...

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International Depositions by Written Questions

Conducting depositions abroad by written questions can save significant time and money when costs of traveling in person or taking a deposition by videoconference just don’t make sense from a cost perspective.  If you decide to take a deposition by written questions,...

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Travel Tips for International Depositions

International depositions require seamless coordination, flawless organization, and good timing.  Advanced planning and attention to detail are essential to ensure a successful outcome.  When traveling internationally for depositions, it is imperative that you be...

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Planning Depositions in Spellbinding Italy

Italy is famed for her contributions to art throughout the ages (the David, the Sistine Chapel, the Mona Lisa, to name but a few), as well as her savory cuisine and the hospitality of her people.  Italy’s natural beauty, from Capri’s magnificent Blue Grotto to the...

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Mobile Videoconferencing in Trial

By David André In my last blog I discussed dynamic evidence that can grab a jury’s attention.  This month I’ll discuss the use of mobile videoconferencing in trial and compare it to the use of de bene esse videotaped depositions. When it comes to de bene esse...

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Grace Under Pressure – Professionalism and Problem Solving

By Tom Feissner It has often been said that professionalism is not the job you do, it’s how you do the job.  The truth of this old adage was made especially clear recently during depositions taking place in Tokyo. Unlike depositions in most other countries, which are...

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