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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Osaka, Japan – More Than a Favorite Deposition Venue

A side bonus of going to a foreign country like Japan to take a deposition is the opportunity to explore and experience new cultures and local entertainment. Having a local tour guide at your service from an on-the-ground Planet Depos team provides a whole new set of...

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Depositions in Croatia

As a party to the Hague Evidence Convention, Croatia requires prior permission from the Croatian Central Authority when taking depositions of Croatian or third-country nationals.  Letters of request must be sent to the Croatian Ministry of Justice by the requesting...

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Videography and International Depositions

Legal videographers provide many services, in addition to recording your depositions, meetings, or site inspections.  They assist in framing a deposition to keep it proceeding in a timely, orderly manner, with breaks as needed for the witness and counsel.  They act as...

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The Value of Experience

Realtime court reporters provide more than just an accurate transcript of your deposition.  With use of the latest in technology, they provide an immediate, verbatim record of the testimony which you and your team can view during a deposition, arbitration, or other...

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Depositions in the Czech Republic

Depositions may be conducted in the Czech Republic regardless of the witness’ nationality, provided no compulsion is used.  (This makes the Czech Republic an excellent venue to depose a willing Austrian witness, as Austria does not permit the taking of depositions.) ...

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Established Industries; Reverse Approach

By Brittany Davies You know that ultra-confusing quote that states “the more things change, the more they stay the same?”  Think about it for a minute in terms of stenography and marketing. Stenography has roots all the way back to 400 B.C. when a historian named...

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International Arbitration in Asia

As a result of the globalization of cross-border business, more commercial relationships than ever before exist between businesses and states.  When a dispute arises, it is becoming more and more common for international arbitration to be the method chosen to resolve...

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Traveling to Your International Depositions

In a previous blog, we provided a checklist for international travel.  Once you have all items checked off and your trip’s details are fully planned, however, there are still aspects of international travel to consider.  One of the more daunting pieces of...

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Deposing a Willing Russian Witness

Unfortunately, not all countries permit the taking of depositions.  Mainland China, though a party to the Hague Evidence Convention, is just one example.  Russia is not a party to the Hague Evidence Convention, and does not permit the taking of voluntary depositions...

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Depositions in Osaka, Japan

In a previous three-part blog, we covered the intricate process of scheduling depositions in Japan.  As outlined in that blog, depositions in Japan can be taken in two locations only: the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, or the U.S. Consulate in Osaka. There are several...

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