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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Thanksgiving Checklist for your International Depositions

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, reminding us to count our blessings in all areas of our lives.  There are blessings tucked into our professional as well as personal lives, whether it be the good fortune to work with stellar co-workers who pull together as a...

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Gastronomic Benefits of International Depositions

As mentioned in previous blogs, international depositions provide prime opportunities to expand your cultural horizons and tap into your inner Magellan.  If you aren’t attending your depositions overseas via videoconference, your travel will expose you to local...

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Access Requirements for Depositions in Japan

As mentioned in previous blogs, depositions in Japan are permitted only at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo or at the U.S. Consulate in Osaka.  The Japanese Embassy and Consulate have strict requirements in place regarding scheduling and taking depositions in Japan.  In...

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Benefits of Social Media for Court Reporters

By Brittany Davies It’s no secret that social media has become a basic tool for survival – personally as well as professionally. It has certainly changed our lives dramatically over the last ten or so years.  For instance, I’m 25, so I started off on MySpace in middle...

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Realtime Reporting – A Mutual Benefit

By Brittany Davies In a previous blog I had mentioned that there is a need for court reporters. At the same time, it is also very important for the reporters on duty today to stay up to date with technology to serve the constantly evolving litigation field. Read on to...

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Rough Drafts – Does Quality Really Matter?

Planet Depos is fortunate to work with some highly sophisticated clients.  Many of them appreciate the fact that Planet Depos court reporters are equally sophisticated in their craft in that they can offer valuable services such as rough draft transcripts.  What we’ve...

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Selecting the Right Interpreter

When taking the deposition of a witness who doesn’t speak English, the right interpreter will keep the proceedings moving at a reasonable pace.  Additionally, a qualified interpreter ensures that your questions are understood, as well as your witness’ answers are...

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The Latest Writers and CAT Software Technology – Part 4

Parts 2 and 3 of this blog featured the latest and greatest in technology for your writer. Now, just as important, let’s discuss the newest technology in CAT software. When is the last time you upgraded versions of your CAT software?  Certainly you realize that...

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The Latest Writers and CAT Software Technology – Part 3

In Part 2 of this series, we highlighted the features of the Luminex writer. Perhaps it piqued your curiosity that it may be a good fit for you? Before you make the financial commitment, however, you owe it to yourself to be a savvy shopper and see what else might...

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