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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Road to International Depositions

Growing up, my sisters and I loved watching old comedies, particularly those starring that great comedic duo, Hope and Crosby. We could watch their 7 Road movies on a continuous loop. Of course, the premise of each film was roughly the same: Bob and Bing in some...

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Japan Deposition Tip – Go to Hawaii

By Suzanne Quinson In a previous blog, we highlighted the value of local court reporters and videographers when taking depositions in Japan. Japan’s detailed and time-consuming steps for taking depositions, particularly the deposition visa requirements and expenses...

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Business Meetings in Asia

By Suzanne Quinson Just as in the litigation world, the business world has seen an increase in interactions with Asia-based companies, necessitating meetings and other communication which can require a combination of videoconference, travel and, of course,...

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The First Artificially Intelligent Lawyer

By Julia Alicandri Tech Insider recently published an article about the first artificially intelligent lawyer. ROSS - the name of the artificial intelligence (AI) - can search court rulings from 13 years ago, along with opinions about the case at hand and its...

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Tokyo’s New Train

There is a common sight in Japan -- so common that it becomes almost invisible.  That sight is trains.  They are everywhere and I use them on a daily basis.  I've grown to love the convenience and reliability of the Japanese public transportation system. Let's just...

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Depositions in Paris

Taking depositions in Paris sounds like a glamorous time, until you read the fine print, that is.  Your head likely will be spinning so much that you may as well be reading French.  Unless, of course, you are fluent in French, in which case it may as well be Greek. ...

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Perks to Depositions in South Korea

International depositions provide limitless opportunities for travel, often to exciting locales.  But will your destination have local U.S. -trained reporters and videographers to cover your depositions?  If your depositions are in South Korea, the answer to that...

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