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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.

Depositions of the Stars

By Julia Alicandri Celebrities are often involved in legal matters. From copyright infringement, money claims, crazed fans, and burglary, it’s safe to say that as a celebrity, one should always have a strong legal team! Thanks to the internet, we have access to...

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Redacted Confidential Portions – After the Fact

By Suzanne Quinson A recent blog highlighted the benefit of designating confidential portions while at the deposition. Portions designated as such are redacted at no cost. So, depending on the size of the case and the extent of the confidential information, this can...

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“Take Note,” Court Reporters!

By Julia Alicandri The National Court Reporters Association recently launched its 2016-2017 ‘Take Note’ Challenge. The competition started on August 8th and will run through February 18th, 2017. The friendly challenge invites state court reporting associations and...

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International Travel Chronicles

Travel to foreign lands brings with it unique experiences and funny anecdotes you just couldn’t pick up any other way. The language barrier is an obvious and endless source of amusement, but each country has its own culture which manifests in fashion, food, how people...

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Debriefing the 2016 NCRA Convention

With all the hype leading into the NCRA Convention last month, it’s now time to reflect on the events and digest all those seminars. We reached out to a few attendees and asked for their takeaways, and here’s what they had to say: Lisa M. Barrett, RPR, CRR, CRC, CSR –...

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Winds of Change in the Windy City

By Katherine Schilling The restaurant, Terrace at Trump, in Chicago’s downtown affords some incredible views. To the left, Wrigley Clock tower’s gothic architecture is illuminated by dazzling green lights; to the right, party-goers atop glass skyscrapers raise a...

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Knock-Out Depositions!

By Suzanne Quinson Hailing from South Philly as I do, Rocky Balboa has been a hero of mine since I was a little girl. In my tween years I became obsessed with Rocky, and boxing in general, reading up on Rocky’s own hero, Rocky Marciano (whose knock-out punch, a right...

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Giving Recognition Where It’s Due

By Julia Alicandri On June 15, Democratic senators took to the floor and filibustered for more than 14 hours straight over gun control reforms. As usual, social media users took to their accounts, tweeting their opinions and updates on the event. However, the real...

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Gold Medals in Court Reporting

By Julia Alicandri The 2016 Summer Olympics are underway in Rio da Janeiro, Brazil. The Opening Ceremony was held August 5th. The Games will formally run from August 5 to August 21 with more than 11,000 athletes from 206 countries competing. Michael Phelps, United...

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