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Planet Depos Blog

News from Around the Planet
The latest news from the Planet Depos team covering court reporting, international depositions, travel tips, legal news, and much more.
Selling Rough Drafts: 7 Tips to Increase Your Bottom Line

Selling Rough Drafts: 7 Tips to Increase Your Bottom Line

As most court reporters are well aware, selling value-added services is an effective way to increase your bottom line.  But are you selling a service that actually has value?  Is your rough draft actually worth paying for? Seeing rough draft transcripts every day, I...

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Rush Hour: Scheduling a Deposition Around Traffic

Rush Hour: Scheduling a Deposition Around Traffic

Timing is everything, especially during rush hour, and particularly when you’re scheduling a deposition. All it takes is a one-minute change in departure, and it can significantly impact your commute. Have you considered how traffic jams can affect your depositions,...

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8 Exciting Things To Do During Your Deposition In Japan

8 Exciting Things To Do During Your Deposition In Japan

If your depositions take you to Japan, and you already reviewed your deposition checklist for Japan, do not miss the sights of this beautiful nation. Whether your depositions will be at the Consulate in Osaka or the Embassy in Tokyo, you’ll find sensational eating, shopping, and sightseeing awaiting.

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International Court Reporting – A Gold Medal Perk #CRCW18

International Court Reporting – A Gold Medal Perk #CRCW18

One of the great perks of being an international court reporter or videographer: Being part of history! Videographer Trevor Price and court reporter Mary Allred took time off to see their home-country of Canada win multiple gold medals at the 2018 Olympics in South Korea.

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What’s So Great About a Realtime Feed?

What’s So Great About a Realtime Feed?

So, what's so great about realtime court reporting?  A beneficial tool for attorneys, realtime allows counsel to view the proceedings in realtime.  Realtime reporting is the instant conversion of the reporter’s stenotype (shorthand) into plain English. As quickly as...

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Depositions in London: No Lollygagging

Depositions in London: No Lollygagging

London is a city famed for many things, deservedly so: Big Ben, the Queen, policemen in funny hats, double-decker buses, the Abbey (Westminster or Downton), to name but a few of hundreds. One tidbit about London that requires notice is that scheduling last-minute...

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