Where do I go to find a court reporter? How do I know if the court reporter is qualified? How much will it cost? Do I need a videographer, realtime, rough ASCII or expedited delivery? How would I like my transcript delivered?
These are the most common questions that come up when court reporting services are necessary. First, let’s review the three things to consider:
1. Contact a Court Reporting Firm
When trying to find a court reporter, going directly to the reporter is usually not the best route. Most reporters are associated with a court reporting agency. A court reporting agency can handle the administrative tasks such as scheduling, production, and billing, while the reporter takes down the spoken word at a deposition, arbitration or court proceeding. Developing a relationship with a court reporting agency ensures availability, accountability and quality transcripts.
2. Know Your Order (Special Services)
Would you like a videographer present to film the proceeding? Will you need realtime? Would you like a rough draft of the transcript at the end of the day? When would you like the final transcript delivered? What type of format would you like to receive your transcript and video? These are all things to consider when ordering a court reporter. Knowing what you need at the time the deposition is scheduled and conveying that to the court reporting agency will ensure you receive exactly what you need every time. A qualified court reporting agency should be able to provide you with a transcript and video in any format: PDF, TXT, E-Transcript, LEF (Livenote), SBF (Summation), MDB (Sanction) and/or VDF (Visionary).
3. Cost
The cost of the court reporter will depend on which state/country your proceeding takes place and which special services you will require. For example, court reporting services in Washington, D.C. will most likely be less expensive than arranging for a court reporter in Bahrain. Having a videographer present, requesting a rough draft version of the transcript or receiving realtime will also increase costs associated with taking a deposition.
Finding a Court Reporter
1. Referral
Ask your colleagues which company they hire for court reporting services and why. Be sure to ask which agency they have had problems with in the past.
2. Google/Yahoo/Bing Search
Run a search for a court reporting agency in your area using one of the main Internet search engines. Explore each website from the results. Read their blogs and then contact at least three of the court reporting agencies for pricing. Let each agency know that you are getting quotes from other companies. Inquire as to whether attendance fees are charged or if there are discounts given for receiving all case material in electronic format.
Your local agency is the best source to find a court reporter or legal videographer in another state as well. Reputable court reporting agencies have established relationships and partnerships around the world and can manage every aspect of your out of town needs, including conference rooms, videographers or videoconferencing facilities.
You are now armed with the necessary information to find a qualified court reporter anywhere in the world.
To schedule an upcoming deposition with Planet Depos, please email schedulenow@planetdepos.com or call 888.433.3767.